The best software engineers and IT Specialists fast hiring

Our service helps you if

  • Time
    You don't have enough time to finish a project. You need an extra IT specialists as soon as possible
  • Business
    You want to start IT project, but You are not familiar with IT sphere and You are not able to find specialists
  • Budget
    If your budget is limited and you need to save money on recruiting
  • Requirements
    If a high qualification expert is needed

We make searching of developers and experts easier
Submit your request
How it works
Step 1. Send us an email and describe who you need an your team
Step 2. Your candidate will be searched
Step 3. Your 3 candidates will be presented within 24 hours
Step 4. The best candidate will be introduced to you
How much does it cost?
Our service costs as little as 15% of candidate's annually salary
Our contacts
Feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
+7 905 586 14 11
Russia, Sinitca Plaza, Moscow